Continued Learning

Robyn Petterson
1 min readDec 7, 2020


Part two- As I continue down the path of learning to be a software developer, the sheer amount of detail still astounds me. As a spelling bee champion in elementary school, you’d think I have a handle on getting that code right. I have error messages constantly for misspellings! I might add that the error messages are far less frequent from when I started, but they still continue to pop up. Working back through the code I am able to figure our exactly where the error is, using cklues from the error message. This, to me, is a great benefit of using Visual Studio. Points you in the exact direction of the error.

While continuing my work in Unity and C#, I have signed up for the Salesforce introduction course, with hopes to continue into the 12 week training. This course of action seems like a great additional opportunity, and chance to learn another new skill! As we shoot towards the end of the year, I spend a lot of time wondering where work will be found once the funding dries up. These opportunities will hopefully allow me to be more hireable than ever.

