Day 3- I’ve got a lot to learn!

I’ve always looked at things very optimistically, cup half full or even overflowing. Today I realized that I’ve got my work cut out for me. Learning how to develop a game has been one of the most interesting and frustrating experiences I’ve ever had. I really give it up to the folks that can do this so easily!! Knowing what work goes into writing code makes me completely inspired I’m even more interested than before.

Both of my sons are extremely interested in learning how to code as well, and they both have a little experience. They also have this intrinsic appreciation and understanding. At ages 10 and 13, we’ve had our battles about video games. It was first Minecraft, then Fortnite- and I never could understand how they could want to spend hours creating rather than go surf or play outside…and then today I realized their minds are just wired differently. They see the beauty of it all- I want my brain to be wired the way theirs are!

Fortunately, I’ll have time this weekend to catch up to speed with my team in GameDevHQ. No longer will I battle my children about playing video games- rather I commit to really analyzing them and valuing the time put in- and even playing them myself!

Fully okay with getting my kids the new PS 5 for Christmas, anyone know if it’ll be out by then?

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