What day is this!?

Robyn Petterson
Nov 13, 2020


Worked through sections on repeat today, once through just listening and once again over to move step by step along with the instructor. It was quite fun finding my errors and fixing them, understanding where things are missing and where things should be. What really stumped me today was the option to optimize the code- once I’d have it in and saved it felt overwhelming to learn how to make it more efficient and clean. I strongly believe in efficiency and a clean look- so I know that part will come with time and practice.

Sweet bonding moment- son is working on some coding homework for school- he’s getting a kick out of mom learning too.

I also got stuck in something called Box Collider. Tried to fiddle with that in the inspector and just may have spent a little too much time in there. So, left my error message up to the team on Slack and hope to get some shut eye and wake up with a refreshed mind and an answer to my issues!

Looking forward to Laser Set Up Pre Fab tomorrow AM, as soon as the rooster crows! Need to spend more time in C# Survival Guide…is there a book published in print? Would love to have that on my bedside table for before sleep reads!



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